Amazonite Stone Bracelets

 Wearing an Amazonite bracelets can make you feel more confident, more relaxed, and more balanced. Its powerful energy encourages you to express yourself and to let go of negative energies. Amazonite is an excellent choice for anyone who struggles with anger, depression, or other emotional problems. Because it is locally-sourced, it can also make your bracelet truly unique. It can help you become a better communicator, which is why it's a great choice for women.

Care for your Amazonite stone bracelet is relatively simple. You just have to be aware of the right way to clean it. Keep it out of reach of chemicals, acids, and ammonia. Amazonite is also very susceptible to fracturing. Keep your bracelet in a dust-free bag and away from direct sunlight. However, even after you've cleaned it properly, you should always remove it before swimming or doing anything else that could scratch it.

One of the most common uses of Amazonite stones is to adorn shields and other items with them. According to legend, these stones can heal wounds and cure sickness. A Brazilian legend states that Amazon people used to give visitors of the region green stones. Europeans had already seen green microcline in Russia and assumed the South American Indians gave them the same kind of stone. But it turns out that it was actually jade, and not an Amazonite stone.

Although Amazonite gemstones are not particularly expensive, they can still cost a considerable amount depending on where you buy them.  But if you're looking for finished pieces, you'll pay much more. The cost of your finished Amazonite jewelry will depend on the size, color, and number of gemstones in it. If you're looking for a unique bracelet or necklace, consider buying an Amazonite stone bracelet.

If you'd like to learn more about Amazonite stone bracelets and how they can benefit your life, sign up for our newsletter. We'll be sure to let you know when new stones are available, upcoming trunk shows, and more! We look forward to hearing from you! Please note that if you're pregnant or have any medical conditions, you should always seek medical attention as recommended. As with any complementary therapy, there's no guarantee that a bracelet will cure you of any illness or condition.

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